Getting Started

Importing and Exporting

Understand the different formats Documint supports and how to import/export your documents.

Getting Started

3 min read

Importing and Exporting
Supported Formats
Importing Documents
Exporting Documents
Tips and Tricks

Welcome to the Importing and Exporting section of the Documint documentation. Here, you'll gain a comprehensive understanding of the various formats that Documint supports, as well as the steps to seamlessly import and export your documents.

Supported Formats

Documint is versatile and accommodates various document formats, allowing users to work in a format that suits their requirements. Here's a list of formats that you can import into and export from Documint:

  1. .DOC & .DOCX: Microsoft Word formats are commonly used and universally accepted. They are ideal for textual documents with intricate formatting.

  2. .PDF: Portable Document Format is suitable for final drafts as they appear the same on all devices.

  3. .TXT: A plain text format, great for simple, unformatted textual information.

  4. .MD: Markdown format is for those who like to keep their documents lightweight and easily convertible to HTML.

  5. .ODT: OpenDocument Text is an open standard format for documents.

  6. .XML & .JSON: Primarily for developers and data-interchange purposes.

  7. .HTML: Web page format, useful for web-based documentation.

Importing Documents

Importing documents into Documint is a straightforward process:

  1. Navigate to the Dashboard: Once logged in, head over to your main dashboard.

  2. Click 'Import' Button: Located typically at the top right corner or within the 'File' menu.

  3. Select File: Browse your device and choose the document you wish to import. Make sure the document is in one of the supported formats listed above.

  4. Choose Destination: Select the folder or directory within Documint where you'd like to store the imported document.

  5. Confirm Import: Click 'Import' to finalize. Your document will be uploaded and will appear in the chosen destination.

Exporting Documents

When you're ready to take your document out of Documint, follow these steps:

  1. Select Your Document: From the dashboard or your chosen directory, click on the document you want to export.

  2. Click 'Export' Button: This is often found next to the 'Import' button or within the 'File' menu.

  3. Choose Format: A dropdown menu will appear with all the supported formats. Select your desired format.

  4. Download Location: Choose where you'd like to save the exported document on your device.

  5. Confirm Export: Click 'Export' to finalize. The document will be downloaded in the format you selected.

Tips and Tricks

  • Batch Operations: If you have multiple documents to import or export, look for the 'Batch Operation' option to handle multiple files simultaneously.

  • Document Conversion: When importing, Documint automatically converts supported file types (e.g., .DOC to .DOCX). While exporting, ensure you select the format that retains critical formatting details.

  • File Size Limit: Be mindful of the file size limit, especially for high-resolution documents. Split large documents into smaller sections if needed.


With the versatility and ease that Documint offers in importing and exporting documents, managing your writing tasks becomes a breeze. Whether you're bringing in old documents to edit or taking out finished ones for distribution, Documint ensures that the process is smooth and efficient.

For more details and advanced operations, delve deeper into the other sections of our comprehensive documentation. We're here to ensure your experience with Documint is top-notch!

Importing and Exporting
Supported Formats
Importing Documents
Exporting Documents
Tips and Tricks

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